Dog Daze Sale


“DOG DAZE” SALE in the Gift Shop

Saturday, August 3, 2019 10am-4pm

We need to clear our shelves of some oldies but goodies to make room for some wonderful new products that will be rolled out during the last months of this season and at Holiday Open House.

The sale items include booklets, posters, books, our venerable vegetable cookbook, tee shirts, matted photos and many more items. The sale table items will be priced at $1, $3, $5 and another table will offer individually priced items. Plus, a 10% discount for all other gift shop products will be given. All terrific deals!

Come and bring your large recyclable bags—or buy one or more of ours to hold your bargains.

(10% discount can be combined with Volunteer/Friends discounts for a maximum of 20%.)