Teacher’s Resources

We are proud to make available to teachers nationwide our exclusive 3rd grade curriculum developed in conjunction with SCOE (Sonoma County Office of Education). This historic reference can be ordered for only $10, plus $5.00 shipping & handling.  The Curriculum contains almost 60 pages covering History/Geography, Science, Economics, Art, Language Arts and Writing Assignments. Also included are dozens of photo reproductions.

Click below to see curriculum previews:

To order a curriculum at $15.00 each and pay with a check, mail your request to:
Luther Burbank Home & Gardens
c/o 100 Santa Rosa Ave., Rm. 10
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Make your check payable to LBH&G, and be sure to include your mailing address.

Questions? Email burbankhome@lutherburbank.org or call 707-524-5445 during business hours, Pacific time.

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